A number of travel industry professionals are gearing up to take part in the Virtual London Marathon next month to raise funds for ABTA LifeLine.
They include a team from Avis Budget Group who plan to walk the marathon together throughout the day on 3 October.
Avis Budget Travel and Partnerships Manager Sophie Nelson, who put the group together after volunteering for LifeLine for nine months during the pandemic said: “I have seen first-hand how instrumental ABTA LifeLine is in supporting our travel colleagues in need.
“LifeLine is the heart of our industry: donations help pay for essential bills to keep families in their homes and help fund vital mental health support.”
So far, they have raised £685.
Also running the virtual marathon to raise funds for ABTA LifeLine is Sarah Grieve (above), Financial Administrator at ABTA’s sustainability certification programme, Travelife. So far, she has raised £395.
“When I began training for this marathon, I was a beginner, I was completely out of breath after 90 seconds running,” she said. “But I want to be able to provide LifeLine with more funds to help people in need; I realise the end of furlough will mean even more job losses.”
Giles Hawke, CEO of Cosmos Tours and Avalon, will also be running. “The travel industry has been good to me for almost 30 years and others have lost their livelihoods and jobs through no fault of their own,” he said. “This marathon feels like the right thing to do to help them as best as I can.”
So far, Giles (below) has raised £1,081.
ABTA LifeLine Director, Trudie Clements, said: “Every week, I get requests that range from people who have lost their jobs and can’t put food on the table, pay their bills or even need clothes to attend job interviews; to more complex personal circumstances which may range from bereavement to mental health support.
“After an incredibly disruptive 18 months for the travel industry, this marathon is a brilliant example of how community groups and volunteers can help travel peers in desperate need. This fundraiser plays a crucial role in enabling LifeLine to continue to offer support that can be lifechanging to many. I would like to thank each and every runner and the people who so kindly donate to their pages.”
Colleagues in the travel industry can donate through the following fundraising pages:
Team Avis Budget Group’s fundraising page: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ABG_Friends
Sara Grieve’s fundraising page: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SaraxABTAxLifeline/1
Giles Hawke’s fundraising page: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/virtuallondonmarathon2021/6