Ambassador Cruise Line rolls out Starlink wifi

Ambassador Cruise Line
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Home » Ambassador Cruise Line rolls out Starlink wifi

Ambassador Cruise Line has become the latest operator to announce that Starlink wifi will be rolled out on its fleet.

Starlink, the Low Earth Orbit satellite system developed by SpaceX, will be accessible in cabins and public spaces by early December, meaning broadband speeds will increase by around 50%.

Ambience will be the first ship to get Starlink, with installation taking place in November, before Ambition is upgraded in early December.

Ambassador Cruise Line CEO Christian Verhounig said: “This enhancement to internet connectivity across the fleet is yet another milestone in our mission to make cruising with Ambassador an unforgettable experience.

“Reliable internet access is essential, and we are thrilled to introduce an enhanced wifi service on board Ambience and Ambition.”

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