Spain’s Tourism Minister Fernando Valdès Verest said today the country wasn’t intending to impose any further COVID-related travel restrictions.
Speaking at the very first A World for Travel Forum in Evora, Portugal, he said the country was trying to give certainty to travellers.
“If we put down restrictions, it’s not to lift them two weeks later,” he said. Instead of imposing further limitations ‘we want to improve every single day’, he added.
Spain is one of the easiest countries to visit for British holidaymakers, with no restrictions for those who are fully vaccinated, while those who aren’t vaccinated are allowed quarantine-free entry with a negative PCR test.
Mr Verest said 75% of the Spanish population has now been vaccinated, which is one of the highest rates in Europe.
A total of 20 tourism ministers and heads of state, plus non-government organisations and 80 members of the media are attending this week’s inaugural A World of Travel Forum, with a further 5,000 delegates joining online.
The forum has been established to develop a model for more sustainable international travel and tourism.