Share your thoughts on PCR testing and help sway Govt policy

COID travel tests
By Lisa James
Home » Share your thoughts on PCR testing and help sway Govt policy

Agents and clients are being asked to share experiences on PCR testing to help form a detailed picture that can be used to sway Government policy.

A survey has been set up to assess travellers’ thoughts about the cost and implementation of testing. If enough people take part in the survey, the results will be shared with decision-makers in Parliament.

It’s been set up by Business Travel Association Chief Executive Clive Wratten but he wants all travellers – whether corporate or leisure – to take part, in order to get a wide cross-section of respondents.

Mr Wratten said: “Many people have contacted me sharing their experiences and concerns over PCR testing for international travel from the UK. It is an issue for all travellers regardless of your reason for travel.

“I want to collect the opinion and the thoughts of those that have experienced the UK travel testing requirements this year. This data will help in the engagement with the UK Government on this subject.

“If you have travelled overseas in 2021 for business, leisure or visiting friends and relatives please complete the survey. It should only take three minutes and your views could help me influence change within Government towards allowing safe international travel.”

Mr Wratten told Travel Gossip: “The cost of testing and issues around PCRs affects everybody who is travelling.”

He wants to see testing ‘capped at a decent price’ and preferably scrapped for fully vaccinated travellers to green and amber countries, or replaced with daily lateral flow tests.

“The current situation is creating a lot of stress and costs are high. Most business trips are three days. But I’m not just acting on behalf of business travel – it’s unfair on the whole travel industry and travellers.”

“There is an All-Party Parliamentary Group on business travel and I have also built relationships with lots of MPs. It helps if we have got data to present to politicians.”

Mr Wratten launched the survey on Wednesday afternoon and said: “The number of responses are encouraging so far. We need as many responses as possible so the data is robust enough for politicians to take it seriously and not dismiss it.”

To take part in the survey and add your voice, click here.

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