Protected Trust Services is working on plans to become a consumer-facing brand as more holidaymakers take an interest in how their money is protected.
The company said it is receiving more calls and emails than ever before amid ongoing nervousness among the public.
With COVID wrecking plans and destroying traveller confidence, the fear of losing money has never been more acute.
PTS has now launched a consumer campaign to better inform the public of its financial structure and reassure them that their money is secure.
The campaign, #Travelwithtrust, will include social media activations while members will be encouraged to share assets in their shops, websites and social channels.
The company will also engage with consumer media to raise awareness of the trust account model.
Head of business development Jacqui Landen said consumers are becoming aware of PTS as more companies become members.
She claimed PTS will climb from its current 362 members to 450 by the end of the year.
“Almost by default we are being made a consumer-facing brand as the more travel businesses we have the more consumers are relying on our financial protection,” Ms Landen said.
“It’s not a case of just sitting down and deciding to become consumer facing brand. By the very nature of it we are and we have to be.”
She said COVID has made consumers uneasy, which is driving increased interest in how their money is protected.
“I would argue that during COVID consumers have become more confused and feel more exposed,” she told Travel Gossip. “They want to know how it works and are contacting us more than ever before.
“We are trying to get them to understand what trust is about and demonstrate they can have faith in it.
“Your money will only be used for your holiday, that is the key message.”
PTS Managing Director Daniel Landen added: “Fundamentally, consumers simply want to be able to trace their monies and to be able to 100% know their monies are safe.”