Inspire Group’s new direct debit scheme replaces £1 deposits

By Linsey McNeill
Home » Inspire Group’s new direct debit scheme replaces £1 deposits

The Inspire Group has launched a direct debit scheme to boost bookings and reduce cancellations.

At the same time, it has dropped £1 deposits.

The direct debit scheme will initially be rolled out across Inspire’s Independent Travel Associates (ITAs) and later across all its other sales channels.

Both consumers and ITAs will be able to use the scheme free-of-charge.

Managing Director Inspire Europe Lisa Henning said the company had received a positive response when they canvassed customers on whether such a scheme would make them more likely to book.

Many said it would encourage them to spend more, if they could spread the cost of payment.

Lisa said: “The main reason for launching the scheme is because customers said that it would be a major benefit, especially during this current cost-of-living crises. 

“The other reason is that tour operators have been offering direct debit payment options for some time, and we feel strongly that agents shouldn’t be disadvantaged. 

“Our team of Independent Travel Advisors have been really positive about the move and say that they believe it will be a key factor in encouraging more consumers to commit to making bookings.

“In fact the scheme is already delivering benefits.  Shortly after we launched it, we secured a £20k booking because the customer wanted to pay in instalments.”

Lisa also confirmed that the Inspire Group would no longer be offering customers £1 deposits as the company no longer feel it supports the industry or drives sales.

She added: “When the industry started offering £1 deposits on holidays it was a way of attracting new business.  However, we feel it’s no longer an effective marketing initiative.”

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