The Inspire Group is embarking on a recruitment drive and a rebrand for its homeworkers business.
It wants to double its membership by a further 40 homeworkers over the next 12 months.
At the same time, the homeworking division is being rebranded Inspire Travel Associates.
Managing Director Lisa Henning said: “On the back of the pandemic, with more and more of us working from home, you could say that we have all become homeworkers, and we felt that the title was no longer appropriate.”
The company operates two homeworking models; a traditional homeworking model and a hybrid model, where sales leads are provided.
“Over the last few months we have been building on the strong foundations of our homeworking business, and we are now ready to reach out to the industry and invite others to join us,” Ms Henning added.
Earlier this year The Inspire Group appointed former Business Development Manager at Independent Travel Experts Lorna Hardy as Sales and Recruitment Manager.
Ms Henning continued: “Lorna has extensive experience in travel retailing and a solid track record of working with like-minded travel business owners.”