Charity fundraiser Travel Trade Crusade to return next year

By Lisa James
Home » Charity fundraiser Travel Trade Crusade to return next year

The fifth Travel Trade Crusade charity fundraising event, which sees teams take part in a European road trip, will take place next June.

Teams compete in a three-day trip across several European countries, completing tasks set by the organisers in return for money to put in the charity pot.

The event is run by Beachcomber Tours Trade UK Sales Manager Sarah Archer and Nick Joyce, CEO of audio-visual company Art AV, which works with several travel companies.

Entrants must commit to raising a minimum of £200 per team member for charity but organisers want them to raise as much as they can.

The previous four crusades have raised over £165,000 for good causes and it’s hoped the 2024 event will push the total to over £200,000.

The event, which organisers say will be carbon offset, takes place between 6-9 July 2024.

Find out more here and sign up here.

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