Number of agents 40+
Experienced required? No
Joining fee low
Monthly subscription low
Transaction fees £0
% of commission* 60%
Paid when? 50% the month after booking, 50% the month after departure
Leads provided? Yes
Training provided Yes, classroom or remote, across 1st week, on Inspire systems & procedures; ongoing training available
Website provided Yes, fixed template
Marketing support Yes
Work with any supplier Yes
Exclusive product Yes
Number of agents 40+
Experienced required? No
Joining fee low
Monthly subscription low
Transaction fees £0
% of commission* 60%
Paid when? 50% the month after booking, 50% the month after departure
Leads provided? Yes
Training provided Yes, classroom or remote, across 1st week, on Inspire systems & procedures; ongoing training available
Website provided Yes, fixed template
Marketing support Yes
Work with any supplier Yes
Exclusive product Yes

*The percentage of commission earned by the agency which is paid to the homeworker.

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