Number of agents | 200+ |
Experienced required? | No |
Joining fee | £197 |
Monthly subscription | from £47 |
Transaction fees | 0.75% UK Debit Card
0.84% UK Credit Card |
% of commission* | 80% |
Paid when | Before travel (once full balance has been paid) |
Leads provided | No |
Training provided | Yes |
Website provided | No |
Marketing support | Yes |
Work with any supplier | Yes |
Exclusive product | Yes |
Number of agents | 200+ |
Experienced required? | No |
Joining fee | £197 |
Monthly subscription | from £47 |
Transaction fees | 0.75% UK Debit Card
0.84% UK Credit Card |
% of commission* | 80% |
Paid when | Before travel (once full balance has been paid) |
Leads provided | No |
Training provided | Yes |
Website provided | No |
Marketing support | Yes |
Work with any supplier | Yes |
Exclusive product | Yes |
*The percentage of commission earned by the agency which is paid to the homeworker.