
Good for: Ex-UK, Families (young), Luxury

Number of ships: 4

Sells via: All agents

Regions: Asia, Australasia, Northern Europe, Mediterranean, North America, South America, South Pacific, Transatlantic


For over 180 years Cunard have set the bar, and then raised it. Our rich history and unrivalled seafaring knowledge means that Cunard has grown into a truly iconic brand.

A holiday with Cunard brings untold opportunities to experience something new. Art classes and fine dining. Pub fare and karaoke. An opportunity to simply lay back by the pool, cocktail in hand, and do not nothing at all.

Cunard’s fleet comprises four wonderful ships, each is grand in scale, with her own distinct personality and feel, and stylish down to the tiniest detail. The world’s only true ocean liner, the elegant Queen Mary 2 was built to sail the open seas and cut through Atlantic waves with ease.

Queen Elizabeth invites you to feel straight away at home, with her variety of different spaces to suit every mood, and Queen Victoria is perfect for basking in the sun as you gaze out to sea and at the shoreline, thanks to a spacious sun deck. And then there’s Queen Anne, the newest ship in the fleet, joining in May 2024. Queen Anne is  inspired by our heritage and designed for our future.

From the very first greeting when you embark to the way your stateroom steward greets you by name, we believe great service is warm and sincere – it isn’t stuffy or hurried. It’s always friendly, but never over familiar. These are the experiences that set Cunard apart. Traditional yet timeless, with an effortless sense of occasion, and delivered with flawless attention to detail.

As we steadily approach 200 years of Cunard, our rich heritage of ocean travel means we have been able to refine what it means to voyage.

Trade Contact

Audrey Hobby

Audrey Hobby

Senior Training Executive


Facebook – CunardTravelAgentsSales

Training Site: www.shinerewardsclub.com