Ocean, Expedition

Good for: Expeditions & Enrichment

Number of ships: 5

Sells via: All agents

Regions: Asia, South America

Aqua Expeditions 

A recognized global leader in luxury small-ship expeditions, Aqua Expeditions explores the world’s most biodiverse and culturally significant destinations aboard best-in-class vessels of stylish contemporary design.

Expect tailored five-star itineraries, a highly exclusive 1:1 crew-to-guest ratio with personalized service, world-class dining, and small group expert-guided activities and excursions, with a maximum of 16-40 guests per ship. 


Aqua Expeditions currently operates river explorations in the Peruvian Amazon and the Mekong Delta (Cambodia and Vietnam), and coastal yacht voyages in East Indonesia — Komodo National Park, Ambon and the Spice Islands, Raja Ampat, and Asmat — and the Galapagos Islands.

Maximiliano Campos

Maximiliano Campos

Regional Sales Manager for UK & Northern Europe

Milly Alva Haimberger

Milly Alva Haimberger

Global Director of Sales